Saturday, March 10, 2012


     We had an argument today and that makes me very sad.  Dad was teasing you but your answer to him "I'm not here to clean house" made me see red.  No one is asking you to be a maid or servant.  You're not Cinderella, you have a nice warm room and lots of great advantages and "stuff".  You have your own bathroom unless we have company and you need to share it.
      Here are things that bother me.  I don't understand your clothes all over the floor in your room.  If they are dirty why don't you put them in the hamper like I taught you?  If they are clean why don't you put them away in a dresser drawer?  I don't understand wet towels on the floor in your room.  Why are they not rehung in the bathroom or put in the hamper?  I don't understand little bits of paper and candy wrappers and sucker sticks just dropped on the floor and cans in your room or left around in the rest of the house and nail polish on the sheets..  I don't understand if you aim for the trash can in the bathroom or in your room and miss why you don't pick up the trash and put it in the can.  Do not put Q-tips in the toilet!
     You have wonderful treats to eat and we always make a delicious dinner.  We love your company.  You are funny and bright and very opinionated and not afraid to say your mind so don't be upset if others do the same.  I don't ask you to do a lot.
     What I do ask you to do is get good grades.  D's and F's are not acceptable those grades are for dummies.  C's are okay in some subjects because we don't have the same capabilities in every category and that is a passing grade.  A's and B's are the best and what you are capable of.
     Other than passing grades this is what else I expect from you.  I want you to start picking up after yourself.  I'm not your maid and I don't want to live in clutter.  I want you to clean your room and put clothes where they are supposed to be.  I don't mind doing your laundry it's family laundry and that's not a problem but when I fold them and put them in your room you need to put them away.  I can't tell the difference in clean clothes on the floor and dirty clothes on the floor.  If I ask for some help with dusting or vacuuming it be done without insolence.   You wanted to do "something",  go to town, have lunch or dinner out today, do something fun.  Dad and I like to do that, too.
     You are a twelve year old young lady and I expect you to respect me and in so doing respect yourself.  I love you.  WE love you.

                                                                   Love, Mom and Dad             

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