Saturday, August 18, 2012


    When did I grow up?  When did I grow old?  I'm five years younger than Grandmother when Mom threw her a birthday party for her seventieth birthday and she passed at seventy-six.  I'm seven years younger than Mom when she passed at seventy-two.  She didn't even live as long as her mother and the last four years of her life she was incapacitated by a stroke.  I don't feel old and the person looking back in the mirror looks pretty good but I'm careful not to look too close.

     It seems all my life I was waiting for life to happen and guess what, it just did, whether I participated or not.  It's not the life I thought about when I was young.  I don't even remember now what I expected because I've been living a catch-up life since I was twenty.  I was raised by a family believing in all the things you were taught in church and by a great Mom and Dad and still being a human is a hard job.  I would tell any young person now if you get yourself in a situation where you're trying to make a misstep turn out right to just relax and don't push things past no looking back.  The consequences may not be as bad as you think and may even be an unseen blessing.  Strange how things can turn out that way

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