Monday, March 4, 2013


.....A new stray has arrived.  He's a grayed buff color and his scared nose and face tells me he's fought many battles since he's been on the road.  He's so thankful for a little dry food in a Pyrex bowl (with a dollop of wet food on top like a cherry) and he gobbles it down like he's afraid someone will take it away from him.  Silver, my last outside cat, is friendly with him so he must not be too hateful for a whole male as they touch noses in greeting.  He's fending okay because the other morning he was crunching on a mouse in the grass just off the kitchen porch but left it to eat the Meow Mix I put out....the remains of the mouse disappeared later so I know he came back for it.  We've named him "Lefty and Eugene" (Huh?) because he looks like a gangsta...after Lefty Fats Murdoch and Eugene The Fist who were characters from the movie "The Girl Can't Help It".  He's called Lefty or Eugene or both together whatever this brain of mine can conjure at the time.

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