Thursday, July 3, 2014


I've known this rhyme for as long as I have memory.  The words come to me as clearly as Jack and Jill and This Little Piggy.  It's curious to me, though, because it hasn't been Americanized and sounds very British.  I suspect it comes from my Grandfather from Loudon County, Virginia.  The culture in Loudon is still very British with large farms and horses and fox hunting.

I imagine my Grandfather used to recite it when he would cross his knees and I'd sit on his foot for a "pony ride"  when I was little.  I just barely remember the pony rides but have always remembered the rhyme and puzzled how I knew it.  I was reminded of it today when I was researching a Mother Goose rhyme about a duck.

"I Had A Little Pony" By Mother Goose
  I have a little pony
 His name is Dapple-Grey.
 I lent him to a lady
 To ride a mile away.
 She whipped him, she lashed him,
 She rode him through the mire;
 I would not lend my pony now
 For all the lady's hire.

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