Monday, August 17, 2020


 Henry Clay Pearson

Private, Co. C - Mosby's Rangers - 43rd Battalion Virginia Cav.
Was known as one of Mosby's mountaineers, undertaker, dentist and whiskey maker for State of Virginia. Wounded in Action in Civil War. Helped build the Cool Springs Methodist Church in Fauq. Cool Springs Methodist Church had been used by Mosby's men to hold prisoners until they could be taken to the Richmond prison. Enl. 2/2/1864 for the war by William H. Chapman in Fauquier County. Present on Jan - Feb 1864 Muster Roll; Appears 4th qtr. 1864 Clothing Receipt Roll; Paroled 4/22/1865 at Winchester. Age 20, 5'11", light complex., light hair, grey eyes, Appears on 1898 roster of Confederate soldiers for Marshall District., Fauquier Co. Lived in Delaplane in 1895. Contractor living in Gainsville in 1909. Attended the 1895 reunion in Marshall. Died 1/5/1933. Buried: Cool Springs Methodist Church., Delaplane, Fauquier Co., VA.

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Image may contain: 1 person

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