Monday, April 16, 2012


 I was reading letters yesterday written by people who were writing to their younger selves and writing from a time in their lives when they had some perspective on life.  I thought that's not a bad idea I'll write to myself.

THIRTEEN YEAR OLD ME:  Sandy, you don't get pregnant from a kiss.  Respect others and you will have respect for your self.

TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD ME:  Sandy, don't constantly worry about things you can't control and if love found you once you'll find it again.
THIRTY THREE YEAR OLD ME:  Sandy, going to work everyday and being a responsible person makes you happy but take some time for yourself.

FORTY THREE YEAR OLD ME:  Sandy, the "wisdom" is money can't buy love and the "truth' is it can make living a lot easier.

FIFTY THREE YEAR OLD ME:   Sandy, family is all.

SIXTY THREE YEAR OLD ME:  Sandy, if you don't know who or what you are by now you're just you and love is great among the ruins.


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