Wednesday, May 2, 2012


 I've been reading lately posts from friends in Florida about all the crazy stuff going on in that state and also all the coverage of the slaying of the young boy lately by a Neighborhood Watch person who may get away with it because of a new law which allows anyone to kill someone if they only think they're in some kind of danger.  Well, Florida is a new member of the Crazy State Brotherhood.  California has always been the leader as the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

     On trial within the last few months  in the north state is the convicted sex offender father who abuses his teenage daughter who then runs away with her father's convicted sex offender brother and who has now been abused by both and they found the runaways in San Francisco weeks later.  Holy Cow!

     Or the girlfriend who beats almost to death the under ten year old son of her boyfriend because she's jealous of the mother of the child and who was helped by her own brother in doing the terrible deed and is now on trial saying, although she confessed to the beating at the time of her arrest, she was on drugs for anxiety which made her have hallucinations and the boy was actually injured in a traffic accident days earlier and at the time showed no signs of injury.  Where was the actual mother and father when this was going on?  Holy Cow!

     Or the thirty something son who beats his mother to death (maybe shoots her?) and drives around all day with her body in his truck then finally decides to dispose of the body in the septic tank of her rural home.  Holy Cow!

     I'm amazed by it all what are we coming to?  One explanation is drugs steals your soul.  Sandy 


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