Thursday, February 28, 2013


     Tara was a black Labrador Retriever who was found eating from trashcans in the north Sacramento Valley.  Labs are hunting dogs and they flush out and retrieve birds and hunt by scent.  They become alert if they sense a bird then they flush the pheasant or duck out of the brush so the hunter can shoot it in the air then they retrieve the bird for the hunter.  A nephew who found her was going to put her to sleep because she wouldn't hunt.  The truth was she was afraid of guns and we don't know why for sure but we think she may have been menaced with one.  If you brought out a hunting rifle she would tremble.  My daughter Shawn rescued her and Tara became a part of her family.  At that time Shawn was a divorced Mom and Jon was just a little guy.  Tara was the sweetest dog.

     When Shawn moved into a place where she couldn't have a dog Tara came to live with Rod when he and I were dating cross country in the 90's.  Rod, who is the pet whisperer and is loved by dogs and cats alike, taught Tara to "smile" by giving her salami treats.  Tara developed a huge "grin" but the salami gave her terrible gas which she seemed to always get when she was sleeping on the floor at the foot of the bed.  Tara was the stinkiest dog.

     Other than being afraid of guns Tara was also afraid of water which made it kinda bad if your bird landed in water.  One time we pulled the Grady White up to the country and we all boated out to a picnic area for the day.  There were several boats and the people with us had all gotten off and carried the stuff up to the picnic area and just Rod and I were left on the boat.  All you had to do is step off the back of the boat in about a foot of water but Tara just wouldn't jump off.  Rod ended up picking her up and carrying all 60-70 pounds of her off the boat and onto dry land.  It was so funny.  Tara was the goofiest dog.

     Tara was so good with tiny children.  She would let them climb all over her and pull her ears and tug her coat and Tara just reveled in the attention.  She never snapped or barked but was always loving.  She liked to have her ears scratched and she'd sidle up to you to get rubbed and give affection.  Tara was the lovingest dog.

     When Rod and I got married and went on our honeymoon Shawn was engaged to a wonderful guy and they were able to take Tara for us while we were away.  While we were gone it was over the Fourth of July weekend 1995.  Shawn and Jim and Jon took Tara and went down to the beach to play and run and watch the fireworks.  Tara heard the first rocket go off and she took off in terror.  Shawn said she thought oh, no! we've got to find Tara or Sandy will be so upset.  They did find her.  When Tara ran off she found the police station and went inside and was there when Shawn and Jim came to report her missing.  Happy ending.  Tara was the smartest dog.

     Rod and I came back from our honeymoon and they all came over to the house and brought Tara with them.  We visited and had a wonderful time and when it was time for them to leave they started walking out the door and Tara walked out with them!  She loved being with a happy loud and loving family instead of with us calm and quiet old guys.  We let her go.  Shawn was happy to have her dog back.  We were happy that Tara was happy.  Tara was the gladest dog.

     In October Shawn and Jim were married and we took Tara back with us while they were on their honeymoon.  Tara, who by this time was starting to get grey hair in her muzzle, had a wonderful few years at the end of her life.  When she got congestive heart failure and crossed over the rainbow bridge we had her earthly remains cremated and Shawn, who has the softest heart for animals still has them.  I have Tara's purple collar and the little necklace I made for her with two red string bracelets with little jade leaves.  She was the BEST dog.


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