Sunday, May 12, 2013


Oh dear.  What am I worried about now?
What is it about me that makes me feel so responsible for everything and to everyone.  It's exhausting.  Is it that I'm the oldest sibling, my parent's practice child?  They say the oldest is the child that says "How will I do this?"  The youngest is the one that says "Who will help me?"  I forget for the middle child they have problems all their own.  Lord help them.

Did my parents ever get it right?  They tried to be the best parents they could be.  Did I ever get it right?  I tried and sometimes I think I did.

Sometimes I failed miserably but don't tell anyone because that's just life.  I'm always trying to fix things, adjust things, make things right and that can annoy a lot of people and make them resentful. Cringe.

WORRIER......................Fix it.
WARRIOR.....................Fix them.
WEARY.........................Fix me!




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I Love people who "fix things, adjust things and make things right". There is nothing to fear but fear itself Sandy. You need to accept yourself and the way God has created you. Do what you believe is right. Our parents did their best with what they knew. "One day at a time" like the saying goes. I wish we had more people like you who "fix things, adjust things and make things right". There are three kind of people in this world. The ones who destroy. The ones who create. And the ones who preserve. God bless those who take the time to preserve for without people like those we won't have anything worthwile to appreciate. We would have never known what the Sistine Chapel looked like when it was created or who Mona Lisa was. The Ruins, the Enviroment, the Historical buildings. I can go on and on. You are enough. You are good and most of all people like you are deeply NEEDED and APPRECIATED.

  3. Oh, Roopa, your words encourage me and make me feel good. Thank you for your faith.
