Thursday, June 13, 2013


And that's what some good stories are all about.

Lewis Carroll's Alice's adventures in Wonderland began with a trip down the rabbit hole or through the looking glass.  "One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small and the one's that mother gives you don't do anything at all." from the song White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane.

Wendy and her brother's adventure began by following Peter Pan out of the nursery window at bedtime and flying on pixie dust to a land among the stars.  She mothered lost boys and loved Peter but grew up and left childhood behind........originally a play written by J.M. Barrie

How many suspensions of disbelief began in the dark of the Twilight Zone?

"There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone."......Rod Serling.

A Yankee from Connecticut learned a lot about himself in King Arthur's Court and that even though you might know what the future brings you can't change the past.   A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court is a novel by Mark Twain.

In Brigadoon a Scottish town appears for one day every hundred years and the modern character Tommie who accidently wanders in falls in love with a girl and the town and finds "when you love someone deeply enough anythin' is possible.  Even miracles."  Originally a play, then a Vincent Minelli  film with music by Lerner and Lowe.

L. Frank Baum's Oz is the penultimate leap into the dark and coming out on the other side with a new understanding of life.  Everyone gets what they want but must fight hard to attain it....a heart, a brain, and courage....and there's no place like home.  The movie with Judy Garland is in my top ten if not my most best loved film.


  1. I was laid-off last year from my dream job as a Translator and had to take a leap in the dark. Now I am enjoying being a full-time Artist coming from the depths of the dark and bringing all that I discovered there to light. It's all true. "All Growth Is A Leap In The Dark". "The Road Less Traveled".

  2. I'm glad the great leap worked out for you. Mine was leaving a job with lot's of friends and going to work for United Airlines International Reservations and Rod and I dating cross country for four at Washington Reservations and him at the United Maintenance Operations Center in San Francisco. It worked out and I'm very happy.

    1. It was meant to be Sandy. I see people living in the area divorcing all the time. You and Rod are lucky to have found the loves of your lives. I too am very lucky myself in this department. Yours was the giant leap of faith. Very nice.

    2. Today is my 18th wedding anniversary. June 24, 1995.
