Thursday, June 27, 2013


Thank you, Gianluca Penzo, for sending me this photo.  I love it.  It's magic.
          Thoughts of owls and bats and things                          Harvest moon rises high on high
          Guide me faeries to your ring.                                     A Golden orb in a sapphire sky.
          Setting sun shines down the lane                                 Nightwings singing songs of fate
          Rays of light begin to wane.                                        Bewitches any answering mate.
          Waving trees in evening's breezes                               Lustful songs full of burning
          Shadows into twilight eases.                                       Swirling swirling midnight's yearning
          Dusky road leads into night                                         Moonbeams light the midnight sky
          Rolling on and out of sight.                                          Whispering softness sleep is nigh.

Photo shared from Cartoon Yourself  appearing on FB 6-26-13

1 comment:

  1. Perfect Poem with the Perfect Image. Very nice.
