Wednesday, January 1, 2014


This Christmas 2013 I won the jackpot , I won the equivalent to twenty thousand dollars in good luck and here's how:

I never shop at Target but this Christmas I bought gift cards two weeks before Christmas and gifts for my g.daughters a week later.  The day after the second purchase it was announced that Target had been hacked.  I thought I had used my American Express Card so I called them and they said no strange purchases they'd keep an eye out for inconsistencies.  The day after that Master Card called to see if I had made a $160 some dollar purchase in Florida in a clothing store and a $100 some dollar purchase at a super market in Louisiana.  I hadn't of course so they cancelled my card right there and then and I received my new card before I left for Virginia to see Rick and Robin and the g.girls.

Okay, so we checked flights and there was no way we were going to get out of Chico on a twenty passenger commuter jet to San Francisco to connect to United going to Washington Dulles.  The flights were so sold out no need to standby and Sacramento our usual alternative was sold out, too.  Whether we leave from Chico to catch a 5:50AM flight or leave from Sacramento on a 7:00 something AM nonstop flight we still need to get up at 3:30AM as the Sacramento flight is a hundred miles away and a two hour drive.  The flights out of San Francisco looked great all day on Friday the 27th of December.  What we ended up doing was getting up at 5:00AM and driving to San Francisco which was an hour more than to Sacramento.  Everything went like clockwork.  The traffic was a breeze because it was a holiday week.  We got to the United Airlines Maintenance Base and got our parking pass for the Retiree Parking area and walked from there a short distance to catch the long term parking commuter bus which came shortly after we arrived.  At the airport check-in went like a breeze with no problem checking in the homemade box Rod had made to transport the toy horses we'd bought to go with the American Girl dolls Santa had brought Ginny and Evie.  After we checked in we're heading for TSA checkin when I said lets walk to the side here and take stock of what we've got.  I knew something felt funny...I didn't have my purse.  I told Rod I must have left it in the car so I took a seat and Rod caught the long term parking bus back to the car.  No purse.  He decides to call my phone and guess what!!!  The lost and found answered and Rod said you've got Sandy's purse.  He continued to talk to the lady till he got to the lost and found which happened to be almost next to the kiosk we caught the bus from.  Someone had found it sitting on the bench in the kiosk and turned it in.  I couldn't believe it.... an honest person!!!

Well, thank goodness Rod had cranked in plenty of time in case any unforeseen problems should arise so we still had plenty of time to go through security and this is when we found out because we're retired United Airlines employees we have a pre-clearance and don't have to take off shoes or belts and jewelry.  This is new.   Going through the TSA was quick and we still had two hours to catch our one o'clock flight east.  We got seats by ourselves in economy plus with an empty seat in the middle...not first class we rarely get that anymore with the frequent flyer upgrades but it was heavenly comfortable.

Man we were counting our blessings.  I feel like I won the Lotto with a four or five out of six with the Mega Number for about twenty grand.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  Love, Sandy


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