Wednesday, January 11, 2012


     I'm not a person who remembers their dreams.  My husband has serial dreams that can go on for days and even weeks.  He can wake up enough to talk to me and still be dreaming and he can tell me what's going on and he always remembers every detail.

      These are dreams I remember.  Have you ever been chased by something and you're running and gasping and trying to call out and you just can't get your voice out?  The unidentified figure is lurking behind shadows behind trees or other objects that obscures it's true self.  What your sleeping partner hears is you making strange strangling noises that make no since. Arghlllouuuargghaaa!!  You're trying so hard to make yourself heard.  Then you finally wake up and you're sweaty and exhausted.  My husband says dreams like this are anxiety dreams.

     Recently I had this dream I don't remember what it was about but I was terrified and determined to make myself heard and I kept trying to scream until I actually was screaming out loud and woke my husband up.  Even though I was not in an awake state I was conscious that my screams couldn't be heard so I made the effort, hard as it was, to actually scream and I did.

      When my daughter was little I had this dream that she and I were walking on the beach at Pedro Point in Pacifica which is a suburb of San Francisco.  We're walking along and we walk up onto the rocks and around the point going north and see a cave which we climb to the mouth of.  A huge rogue wave comes crashing up and washes my child out to sea.  I couldn't do anything I couldn't rescue her or anything I dreamed I just stood there and watched her go and I woke up in a panic.  This dream bothered me for a long time as a young mother I felt guilty that I couldn't get my child and even more guilty that I even had a dream like that.

     Maybe twenty years later I had another dream where Robin, now a young woman, and my sister Kim and I are at a mountain cabin beside a stream.  A big storm comes up and the stream swells till it's a raging river and it floods our cabin and washes it into the swirling river.  I'm fighting fighting to get to the top of the water to fill my lungs with air and my lungs are about to burst when my head finally pops above the water and I gasp for air and look around and don't see Robin or Kim.  Where are they?  Again another  dream where my loved ones are lost to me.

     On a positive note I do remember holding onto a parachute type umbrella and being blown into the air and flying along on air currents.  It was thrilling and Mary Poppins didn't have a thing on me.

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