Saturday, January 14, 2012


     My third grade teacher at Fairview Elementary School in Fairfax Station, Virginia was Miss Joyce Gulagher.  Miss Gulagher was a very plain looking young woman who had a wonderful personality and was very kind.  I was a plump little girl who loved to draw and Miss Gulagher made over my artwork and I just wanted to please her.  One day in the middle of  the winter, out of the blue and with no forethought, I asked her if she wanted to go for a boat ride with my Uncle.  Uncle Carroll was a milkman for Alexandria Dairy and I adored him.  He was Mama's baby brother and very handsome and had beautiful blue eyes and a ski boat and he loved me, his niece.  Miss Gulagher did not say anything until later in the day when she asked me "when?" and wanting to please and feeling on the spot I said "after school". 
     I had put it all out of my mind until Miss Gulagher knocked on the door of my house.  My eyes went wide and I ran back to Uncle Carroll's room where he was sleeping because a milkman begins his day in the middle of the night.  I tried waking him but couldn't make him stir and I was saying "Please, Uncle Carroll,  you've got to wake up and take my teacher for a boat ride."  I couldn't make him budge.  I finally gave up and walked into the dining room where Miss Gulagher was talking with my mother.  I am found out!  Mama asked me to fess up and apologize and I did and as we talked Uncle Carroll  walked down the hall, through the dining room and out the kitchen door.  He nodded his head to everyone as he went out for the evening.  I guess I had managed to disturb his sleep.
     Miss Gulagher stayed for dinner that night.   Mama had made vegetable beef soup and biscuits with butter and iced tea and I remember she apologized for the simple fare but I also remember Miss Gulagher had enjoyed her dinner very much.  As for my Uncle, when he learned what I had done he asked Miss Gulagher out to dinner and they doubled with our cousin Harry, Jr. and the second grade teacher Miss Betty Lou Kendall who did happen to be very pretty.  I loved my Uncle Carroll.

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