Friday, February 10, 2012


     Tattoo's have become so popular.  What began in the 1960's with the wide acceptance of ear piercing is permanent body altering decoration now.  It is so widespread today you'd be surprised who has tattoos.  It makes sense that young people might adopt this practice but the number of conservative women with hidden tattoos is unprecedented.  My daughter Shawn tells this cautionary tale.  Her friend got a tattoo on her lower abdomen....a pretty little butterfly.  When her friend got pregnant the pretty little butterfly turned into Mothra and when she had a cesarean Mothra lost a wing.
     When I lived in California in the 1970's I had my checking account at Bank of America.  When I moved back to Virginia in 1978 I opened a checking account at The National Bank of Fairfax on the corner of Main and Ox Road/ Chain Bridge Road/Rt 123, whatever it is inside the City of Fairfax.  Over the years the bank changed names so many times that I used to joke that wouldn't it be funny if it would turn into Bank of America.  Well, you guessed it, when I moved back to California in 1994  that's what happened.  It finally became Bank of America in Virginia.

     When Rod and I first met and started dating he used to call me "Slim".  I always thought he was teasing me because I was a little plump and he was being facetious and I just accepted it.  It wasn't till years later that Rod told me that's what Bogie called Bacall in the first film they appeared together in To Have and Have Not.  That's the film where Bacall tells Bogie if he needs her to just whistle.  "You know how to whistle...just pucker up and blow."

     Back in the 1980's my father's sister Aunt Annabelle, a widow, went on an Alaskan cruise.  I offered to house sit for her and take care of her dog Ling.  Ling was a beautiful big Chow with a shiney black coat and the purple tongue that is a Chow trademark.  She invited me up to meet Ling so that he would be used to me and when I left I asked for the key to the house.  That's when Aunt Bell told me she didn't have a key because she had Ling and didn't need one.  I stayed the whole week at her house, unlocked, and guarded by a big black Chow.

     The other night I was sitting at the computer typing away.  I was listening to Rod and our Granddaughter Ally in the kitchen talking.  Rod was frying chicken.   He makes the best fried chicken and I thank his mother for teaching him.  Ally was making a salad and it was so comforting to listen to them talking.  I went to the kitchen and Ally and I did the "Fried Chicken Dance" in celebration.

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