Friday, February 24, 2012


..... Reading on a rainy day sitting by a window...lot's of waving trees and a lap blanket.... kitty sitting on the back of my overstuffed chair behind my head and a book so good I leave a freckle on every page.  I take a sip of very hot and strong and sweet tea.  Perfect.
....."Fiction allows you to bare your soul in disguise."  Thanks, Mark Ruiz.
.....Rich people only owe allegiance to money. Wealth is it's own passport. There are no unattractive rich people.
..... Arkansas Pig, Rosabella Hen, and Pluck Duck
.....Duck and cover
.....Teen angels and cheerleaders - memory's icons.
.....Half the Fairfax High School Class of 1965 became lawyers, even the girl who became a TWA flight attendant became a lawyer and the rest moved to Texas, or so it seems.
.....Under the Cattails / Under the Cat's Tail.
.....Woodward and Lothrop / Woodies
.....A perfect afternoon....salad with cherry tomatoes, little sandwiches with the crusts cut off, petit fours, champagne, and hot strong tea chatting with the friends of your heart.
.....Flying over, cruising under, and driving on the Golden Gate Bridge.
.....Holding a new baby and smelling it's sweetness.

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