Thursday, February 2, 2012


     There's been a couple of times in my life where I didn't get to the movie theater in time to get a good seat.  The first time was on a date with Joe Power double dating with Karen Woods and Benny Woods, a couple who were of no relation to each other.  We went in town, that's what we called Washington, D. C., to see Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned To Love The Bomb which was the film where Peter Sellers played a number of different characters.  When we walked down the aisle to find our seats we were in the third row.  UGH.  It was neck breaking to look straight up at the screen but so cool when Slim Pickens rode the bomb out of the shoot of the B52 bomber like a bronco buster riding a wild stallion waving his hat and shouting "WaaHooooo"!

     The next time this happened was when my teenage daughter Robin and I went to see Indiana Jones  and The Raiders of the Lost Arc at the theaters at Springfield mall.  Here we are in about the third row again and this time on the extreme left side arching our heads back but the movie was so good you forgot your discomfort.  At the very first of the film when Indie is running for his life from the huge boulder that's been released was a scream and I knew we were in for a great film.

     The last time this happened I was again with Robin and we went to see Terms of Endearment.  We thought we were smart by getting to the theater really early to buy our tickets.  It was at what we called the rocking chair theater because the seats were so comfortable and actually rocked near Springfield Mall.  We went next door to the seafood fast food and got some lunch and didn't think we were gone that long but when we walked down the aisle the best we could do was the first row.

     Again, this film was wonderful but I really embarrassed myself.  Remember towards the end when the daughter played by Deborah Winger is dying of cancer and in so much pain and it's too early for more medication?  Well, I'm sitting in the first row silently crying to myself when the mother played by Shirley McLean, who is so exhausted, goes out to ask for medication and the nursing staff deny her.  Well, that's when the mother goes off the deep end and starts shouting and screaming for them to just give her kid her meds!!!  It was a really releasing moment after all the sadness and I started to laugh but it came out a strangled LOUD blood curdling moan.  Robin, sitting next to me is whispering "Take deep breaths, Mommy, take deep breaths".  I was so distraught!  I could hear laughing behind me,  were the laughs for me or Shirley McLean!?!

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