Saturday, January 26, 2013


     Pumpkin has dinner with us every night.  I always take a little bit of whatever we're having and cut it up real small and put it in a saucer on the floor between me and Rod.  Pumpkin loves spaghetti with meat sauce and I always use whole wheat pasta as once the sauce is on it you can't tell it's good for you.  I think it tastes better.  He also likes steak and chicken chopped up real small because cats don't really bite and chew they tear and shred with their teeth and tongue.  Pumpkin always expects his tribute.  His regular diet is a half a can of wet cat food in the morning and in the evening  He's my only inside the house cat.

     Other than Pumpkin you all know we have five other cats I've described before.  Miss Mosby who lives on top of the water heater in the garage.  Her daughter Silver who lives outside in an old old 1980's Mercury that once belonged to my Mother-In-Law.  The driver side window is down just low enough she climbs in from the roof and has good shelter and is where she moved when she left her mother and had her one and only litter of kittens.  Spot and Skye are Silver's kittens and my big boys and live in the garage.  Skye likes to go in the attic and takes care of any varmints that might try to take up residence.  He also likes to go on the roof.  Spot is huge!!  Not fat.  HUGE!  Rod says he probably weighs fifteen pounds.  Rod's taught him to "high five".  Ruffles is our little refugee that showed up winter before last running with raccoons.  He was so little we figure when he was "abandoned" by whoever dumped him in the country the raccoons found him and nursed him with their own.  He decided he liked it here with us and Spot and Skye acted like old uncles.  Every winter there's a new stray and I haven't named this one yet (Lord, please, I don't want to be the cat lady).  We'll see what happens but I don't want him to bugger my other cats and so far he's keeping his distance.

     Okay, for feeding, this goes for the morning feed and the evening feed.  Everyone gets dry food but Pumpkin who has difficulty digesting it.  Spot, Skye, and Ruffles all my good big boys get dry food in an aluminum pie tin with five dollops of  wet food on top from the half can.  Miss Mosby and Silver get a little Pyrex bowl of dry food each with a dollop of wet on their's too.  Now that the new cat has shown up he gets the same as Mosby and Silver.

     The dollop is getting smaller and smaller but everyone gets a taste and it's their favorite and always eaten first.  That can of wet food goes a long way.  I've started thinking it's like the Bible Story of  Jesus's sermon on the mount where he feeds the multitude with three fishes.  I think maybe there has been Divine intervention.

Rod has taught  Spot to high five and shake hands.


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