Saturday, January 12, 2013


     In the late 1960's my Mom, Grandmother, and baby sister Kim experienced an unusual event.  I know it was after 1967 because my daughter had been born but don't exactly remember the year.  My baby sister who had been born in 1960 was under ten years old so I think it may have been 1967/1969.  It happened in the evening at my Grandmother's house on Popes Head Road in Fairfax County, Virginia.

Fifty years ago there was more than fifty acres of fallow field behind the house.
     I need to first give you the layout of the house.  It was situated on a small hill and a big curve in the road on Popes Head Road and had a driveway that came down and curved around the house and exited out on the other side of the curve.  If a car pulled into the driveway in the evening the car lights would shine in the picture window and shine through the living room into the dining room.  The dining room also had a big window with the back porch on the other side of it and looked down at the driveway behind the house where everyone parked, the end of the yard, and onto a fallow field that had been a cornfield in the 1950's.  Everyone who knew our family knew we parked behind the house and always used the back door which opened into the kitchen.  We never used the front door only to go out and sit on the front porch or go in the front yard.

     On the evening in question a light came through the picture window and my family thought someone had pulled into the driveway.  When no one came to the back door they looked out the dining room window and saw the backyard and field lit from above.  In the air was "something" they described as rotating lights hovering over the field.  At first they thought it might be a helicopter but IT MADE NO NOISE a point that alarmed them.  They did not go out on the porch only watched from the dining room window.  It hovered there for moments then sped off with whirling lights going around and around on the dish shaped edges of whatever it was.

     Mom was not the type to get hysterical or have an hysterical response to things as she was very level headed.  She told me about this incident when she returned to California the next week as she had been visiting Grandmother in Virginia.  She also told me that it was reported that the Vienna or Falls Church police (I can't remember now which she said and Mom passed  in 1998) chased something in the sky that night.  This they had heard on the nightly news.  She never talked about the incident after that and never brought it up at parties or family gatherings.  Grandmother and Kim never talked about it either.  Recently I asked Kim who is thirteen years younger than me what her memory is and she says she's not sure now what she heard or what she saw or what she was told as she was young and declined to discuss it.

 I accepted Mom's story and never questioned it and only discussed it with a very few people because it does sound crazy.  UFOS.  I suppose the part about the police following something in the night sky back then could be researched.  I tried doing a Google search but only the 1950 something Washington DC  UFO event seems to be recorded.  I'll always wonder.


1 comment:

  1. Sandy, I grew up in Falls Church, VA in Sleepy Hollow just off Rte. 50 and attended JEB Stuart High School. About 1965 or 66, when I was 16 or 17 I was up by 7 Corner's shopping center, on Rte 7, when I saw a large
    silver looking round object hoovering over the shopping center. Many car's pulled over to the side of the road to watch, some getting out of their cars. I just rolled down my window to watch. After a few minutes, I remember it raising up and then heading East, towards Washington DC. I would have to say that this was my first view of a UFO and not my last. I am now 64, and saw one last Oct. 2012 go across the sky and reported to the MUFON Virginia group. I am going to my first meeting with them March 30, 2013 in Fairfax. If your friends with Jean you should suggest to her to go for you, IF you aren't in the area. I plan to be there.
