Wednesday, July 10, 2013


    They met on a blind date the first Friday after New Years.  It was January 5th.  They were both single parents and she had just turned twenty one and he was twenty three.  He had three kids, twins three years old and one under two.  Her child was six months old.  They were the first person each  had dated after failed relationships.  He was divorcing and she was abandoned and both of them were living with their parents.

     It was a blind date arranged for by a friend she worked with.  He was a friend of the person her friend had been seeing.  It was evening and they drove to the beach for a while then the friends wanted to go dancing and he and she didn't so they drove them back to his parent's house to get his car.

     They went in and sat on the couch in the living room after greeting his mother and family.  While they were sitting on the couch the cutest little blond girl came and stood in front of them wearing a white flannel nightgown with angel wings and lopsided pigtails and she asked if she was his little sister.  At this point he hadn't told her that he was divorcing and had children and she hadn't told him she had a child so when he said no, that this was his daughter visiting him for the weekend she kind of made a sigh of relief.  They both had baggage.

     They left and went to a pizza place and ordered a mushroom pizza and he had a beer and she had a coke and they spent the evening getting acquainted.  He worked for an airline and had been through the apprenticeship program which paid for college.  He was divorcing and his ex wife had custody of his kids.  She worked in the office of an engineering company.  It was here she told him about her child and her broken engagement.  He was very kind.

     When they left the pizza place and he drove her home he kissed her at the door.

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