Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Today is my birthday. I was born November 30, 1946 in the first year of the WWII "Baby Boom". When I was born we lived in Alexandria, Virginia in Cameron Valley. The housing was built for the people who came to Washington, D.C. to work for the war effort. My Mom's family had come from Clifton and Popes Head Road in Fairfax County and my Dad was from Aldie in Loudon County. My Grandfather and Grandmother worked at the Torpedo Plant and my mother worked for the Internal Revenue Service. She never called it the IRS. Daddy had just gotten out of the Marine Air Corps the August before and gone to work for Republic Airlines out of Pennsylvania as a mechanic. Republic Airlines was soon called Capital Airlines and was bought by United Airlines in 1960. On the day I was born my Grandmother had WWII ration stamps she needed to use so she walked up Duke Street to the Safeway that was across the street from Stonewall Jackson Elementary School to get sugar. She stepped off the curb in the grocery store parking lot and in the dusk didn't see a board which she tripped over and broke her leg. So as my mother was in the old Alexandria Hospital on Duke Street giving birth to me my Grandmother was also having her leg set and put into a cast.

Monday, November 28, 2011

A REMEMBRANCE 9/11/2001...Revisited

I had just started work at 6:00AM PST the morning of September 11, 2001.  I worked for United Air Lines in the San Francisco Reservation Office.  About 6:20AM a co-worker walked in and said that planes had flown into the World Trade Center Towers.  I know I saw no footage until I took my lunch break at 10:30AM.  When I heard about the Pentagon I tried and tried to get hold of my daughter who lived about two miles away up Columbia Pike in Arlington but couldn't get through.  I can't remember anything about work that day. The TV coverage and films of the people covered in dust and injured and running and the planes hitting the towers and the towers collapsing have blanked out everything.

  My daughter and I didn't reach each other until that afternoon when I got home from work.  She said she was just walking out the front door of her apartment on her way to work when she heard a plane go over and heard something she thought had happened at National Airport (Reagon).  My daughter knew something was up because air traffic was restricted to flying up and down the Potomac River only.  When she turned on her car radio is when she found out the Pentagon had been hit by a plane.  She went to work but left and went out to her Grandfathers.  Daddy and his good friend Ann were driving down to Southern Virginia to see a new Marine Corps Memorial that had just opened and were stopped for a bite to eat when they got the news.  They turned around and headed back to Fairfax.  My brother said he was at the Veterans Hospital for tests that morning and when he left it took him hours to get out of DC and back to Virginia.  My husband can't get past how this event has changed our lives with the fact that we both had to end up taking early retirements and loosing half our retirement and benefits in United's bankruptcy that followed.

  My heart breaks for the souls lost that day in the planes and Twin Towers and Pentagon and Pennsylvania and all the souls lost in the ensuing military actions that have followed.  Thank you to our servicemen and women who have lost their lives in this battle for our country's way of life, our beliefs, and our freedoms.  Thank you to all who now serve.  "God bless America, land that I love.  Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above.  From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam, God bless America my home sweet home."

Post Script:  On May 2, 2012, Osama bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda and responsible for the terrorist assault on New York City's Twin Towers, the plane hijacking that crashed in Pennsylvania, and the assault on the Pentagon, was found and killed in an action ordered by President Obama and carried out by Navy Seals.  His death was verified for all the world and his body was buried at sea.


In the fall of 1965 I was living at home in Fairfax City and commuting to the Corcoran School of Art at The Corcoran Gallery of Art on 17th and New York Avenue in Washington D.C. and studying advertising design.  I had also just started work the day after Thanksgiving at Woodward and Lothrop in 7-Corners in the women's sportswear department.  On Thanksgiving break (-----) came home from college and asked me out and this is the story of that date.

(-----) and I and Pete and Pete's friend from the school he went to before he came to Fairfax High senior year drove into Arlington to meet up with (-----)'s college roommate and his girl who (-----) and I were to double date with.  Pete and friend took (-----)'s car and we all agreed to meet up at the end of the night.  We had the best time that evening dancing and having a few beers in a club I can't recall the name of forty five years later and we stayed till closing. The clubs in DC closed at midnight on Saturdays back then so people could get up for church on Sunday mornings.

Driving back to Arlington to meet back up with Pete and friend, (-----) started acting up and opened his car window and started yelling and screaming and generally acting like a crazy person. Up to this point I felt fine but when I  started pulling him back into the car I became very jostled and all I had drank came rushing up. Now I was leaning out the other backseat window spitting chunks as we drove across the Memorial Bridge.  I remember thinking this is so embarrassing and then I was out like a light!  Somehow the car exchange was made in Arlington and (-----) drove us back to Fairfax Circle where we dropped off Pete and friend with me still passed out.

Back in 1965 (-----) could have gone around the Circle to take me home as we both lived in the same subdivision in Fairfax City, or, since we were on Pickett Road already he could take it out to Rt. 236 The Little River Turnpike and back to Fairfax that way. I don't know if he had any ulterior motives in mind when he chose Pickett Road which was a gravel road with hardly anything on it back then and virtually deserted at this time of the night. I came out of my stupor as (-----) was parking across from the Little League baseball fields on Pickett.  Giving him the benefit of the doubt he did have to wake me up before he took me home.

Now here is where everything takes a surreal turn. I'm totally awake now and we're travelling up Pickett to 236 when suddenly I start screaming to (-----) "There's a body in the road!  I saw a body in the road!" and it took a few seconds to convince him to stop and back up a few yards. Guess what! There was a body leaning up against the bank with it's feet sticking out in the road. (-----) stopped the car and got out to investigate. The body turned out to be alive and awake. He said he'd been at the Green Dolphin Bar in the Hilltop Shopping Center on 29-211 at Kamp Washington and he didn't remember how he got dumped there in the bushes on Pickett Road. (-----) helped him up and put him in the back seat and asked him where we could take him. The man said to drop him off at the Red Raven which was a bar in the little strip mall on 50-29-211 across from Jim Mc Kay Chevrolet....and this is what we did.

EPILOGUE:  (-----) and I saw each other several times that next year but we never spoke of our little adventure and we finally lost track of each other.

EPILOGUE  II:  Just short of fifty years later I got in touch with (-----) and had him read the story and we both laughed and I know he's showed it to a couple of our old friends from high school.  I've reworked it a little since then...mainly changing the names from Bill and Susan to (-----) and me and dropping the "Only The Names Are Changed To Protect The Innocent".  I can own the truth.


In 1992 a couple went on a cruise out of Cape Kennedy to the Bahamas. They arrived in the Bahamas and spent one day having fun and that evening were told "OOPS, we have to leave port a hurricane coming". So they left and got back to Cape Kennedy and they were told "OOPS, can't dock a hurricane is coming".

The cruise ship put back out to sea and spent the night rocking and rolling in the Atlantic Ocean with a hurricane raging to the south of them. My friend said the seas were rough but they had Dramamine so they weren't too seasick. The next day when they pulled into port they found out that southern Florida had been devastated. This was Hurricane Andrew which was a Catagory 5.

A few mornings later I was sitting in my family room in South San Francisco, California watching TODAY. They were interviewing a man who was in Florida helping with the cleanup. He had been part of the cleanup in Charleston, South Carolina when they were devastated by Hurricane Hugo in the fall of 1989. It was Howard Chapman a friend from my home town of Fairfax, Virginia.

It's a small world and this was before the internet made it even smaller for me!

EUREKA! "I have found it."

EUREKA! It means "I have found it" and is on the California State Seal. Went with my sister-in-law to an estate sale this morning out here in the middle of nowhere and guess what I found !?! One plate, only one, don't know if there were more pieces earlier in the day 'cause we got there kinda late. Paid $2.00 for my Royal Doulton plate that is not made anymore. The pattern is "Provencal" (this is correct spelling) and it was made between 1967-1997. Rod started his china in a duty free shop on St. Thomas in the 70's and added pieces from Lally's in London and I've added pieces myself since we've been married. Replacements, Ltd. charges $39.99 for a 10 3/4" dinner plate. Eureka!


Airline Brats are children of airline employees who have been accustomed to travel at an early age and usually end up seeking employment in the industry for that benefit. If you want affordable travel as a benefit this is the industry, if you want your benefit to be money get a job where " money" is the benefit. My own father was a jet engine mechanic for United Airlines who began his career out of the Marine Air Corps WWII for Republic Airlines who turned into Capital Airlines and who merged with United Airlines in 1960. My husband's father was a United employee who began his career in Cheyanne, Wy. when that was United's main overhaul base. He was a sheetmetal/airframe mechanic responsible for the "skin" of the airplane. San Francisco is United's Maintenance Operations Base and my father was transferred there in 1966. My husband followed two of his brothers and went to work for United out of high school. Rod had the fortune to be accepted into the apprenticeship program and United paid for his college. Rod was a machinist and a landing gear inspector and at the end of his career was a lead in the tool crib responsible for thousands and thousands of tools and related stock that are required for airplane maintenance. I'm a retiree myself, I made domestic and internatonal travel reservations plus assisted travel agents. Airline brats are children who have become accustomed to flying anywhere the airline goes and in our family's case would be the Brittish Isles, Europe, Japan, China, Central and South America, Egypt and Australia. If United had gone to Antarctica that would be on the list also. It was nothing for Rod's daughter to fly out to Honolulu on a morning flight, spend the day at the beach, and fly home on a redeye (overnight flight) the same day as a teenager with a friend who's father was UAL also. My own daughter was used to flying back and forth from San Francisco to Virginia as a little girl on her grandfather's passes and knew exactly what to do and how to behave and it was usually in First Class in those days before frequent flyer programs. If you see a child or person way overdressed they're probably airline employees as we can't sit in First Class in jeans. Now when we go to the gate and there's 40 people waitlisted for upgrade and only 12-30 First Class seats total, economy plus seating or even two seats together is what we hope for because we travel "standby". Rod and I met in San Francisco as young single parents and dated off and on and always stayed friends and he would come to visit me in Virginia when I moved back in 1978. I came to United at forty years old because Rod and I had rekindled our romance and we dated cross country for four years before becoming engaged and marrying in 1995. I could never complain about salary because I was doing at least two roundtrips a month for four years on the company. The first person you meet when you start dating again isn't supposed to be the person you spend the rest of your life with-- it took us a while to find out that wasn't true. Rod's been all over the world and me not so many places but I travel between California and Virginia like it was going across the street. (Originally posted on FB July 22, 2011
EPILOG: United Airlines bought Continental Airlines this year. Because Continental had relaxed rules as to what you could wear in First Class United has now adopted their standard. We can now wear jeans in First Class if we should actually be assigned a First Class seat. United has purchased Continental and Continental has taken over United...not just dress rules but other things, too. We retirees are on the choping block as they may take our seniority away. We'll see.



In June 1994 I moved back to California engaged to Rod.  We drove my 1990 Honda CRX from Virginia and left at O-Dark-30 in the morning, 4:30AM to be exact.  It was a hot, dark, and rainy-misty day going west and it stayed that way all day as we made our way to Interstate 80 and beyond.  Just outside of Peoria, Illinois we ran into a big bank of low dark clouds with little fingers twirling down.  It started to rain hard, then hail and thunder with lightning and Rod said get under an overpass.  I said I couldn't because there were already cars there and I would block a lane on a big interstate highway so I pulled off on the side.  We proceeded to be PELTED WITH HAIL and the wind was moving sideways.  Rod pulled pillows from the back and held them up to the windshield and passenger side window as he was afraid the windows would blow in on us.  All kinds of debris was blowing  in front of us like tree branches and swirling dirt.  After the storm subsided we found out we'd been at the wall of a tornado that had touched down.  My car had pock marks on the roof, the hood, and the passenger side and it looked like it had cellulite!  I should have pulled under the overpass because others did and the interstate was completely blocked.  As everyone started moving on we saw some antique autos that had been caught on the road with us that were equally damaged.  Pity.  Now whenever Peoria is mentioned we throw up our hands and make the sign of an X with our fingers!! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011


In California it's called The Pineapple Express.  The storm is coming from the southwest with winds steady at 45 miles per hour.  The rain right now is battering my living room and dining room picture windows which have southern exposures.  It's called The Pineapple Express because it originates in Hawaii and blows east battering the California coast and we're 150 miles inland.  It's howling outside and I'm waiting for the wicked witch to fly by on her broom.  The outside cats are all hunkered down on the porch and in the outbuildings.  The new little stray kittie, Ruffles, doesn't know what to think and Pumpkin, in the house, is all agitated.  The winds are supposed to become greater as the day goes by.  My husband, talking to his nephew on the phone, just said "It's a sit around the house and drink beer day 'cause you can't do anything else".  There's white caps on the swimming pool and the patio furniture is blown everywhere.  Thank goodness nothing has blown in the pool yet.  The last time we had a storm like this was early last November and the big swing with the canopy blew in the pool and stayed there until Thanksgiving when we had enough help to pull it out.  Lake Shasta Dam and Lake Oroville Dam are both releasing water into the Sacramento River at the rate of 40,000 cubic feet per second and the river's near flood stage.  Animals are gathering two by two.  Thank goodness we've got the Grady White back from the boat shop!  (Originally published on FB March 24, 2011)


Our South San Francisco, California house lies about 1,600 feet from the San Andreas Fault rip zone. During the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 my husband lost all the bulbs in his chandelier because it was swinging back and forth so hard they were hitting the ceiling. As he was running out the front door the china closet started to tip over and he pushed it upright as he passed. He only lost one saucer. His truck was parked in front of the house and rocking back and forth raising the wheels off the ground. Rod's neighbor was standing outside dazed with her underpants down around her ankles...she had been sitting on the commode when everything started to shake and she just got up and ran. Thank goodness she had on a dress. This was the earthquake that happened during the San Francisco Giants and Oakland A's World Series. These are my husband's memories. Rod and I had just started dating again and I still lived in Virginia. I was relieved to receive his phone call to let me know he was alright. I decided to record the memories because of the earthquake that happened in Japan yesterday.