Monday, November 28, 2011

EUREKA! "I have found it."

EUREKA! It means "I have found it" and is on the California State Seal. Went with my sister-in-law to an estate sale this morning out here in the middle of nowhere and guess what I found !?! One plate, only one, don't know if there were more pieces earlier in the day 'cause we got there kinda late. Paid $2.00 for my Royal Doulton plate that is not made anymore. The pattern is "Provencal" (this is correct spelling) and it was made between 1967-1997. Rod started his china in a duty free shop on St. Thomas in the 70's and added pieces from Lally's in London and I've added pieces myself since we've been married. Replacements, Ltd. charges $39.99 for a 10 3/4" dinner plate. Eureka!

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