Monday, November 28, 2011


In 1992 a couple went on a cruise out of Cape Kennedy to the Bahamas. They arrived in the Bahamas and spent one day having fun and that evening were told "OOPS, we have to leave port a hurricane coming". So they left and got back to Cape Kennedy and they were told "OOPS, can't dock a hurricane is coming".

The cruise ship put back out to sea and spent the night rocking and rolling in the Atlantic Ocean with a hurricane raging to the south of them. My friend said the seas were rough but they had Dramamine so they weren't too seasick. The next day when they pulled into port they found out that southern Florida had been devastated. This was Hurricane Andrew which was a Catagory 5.

A few mornings later I was sitting in my family room in South San Francisco, California watching TODAY. They were interviewing a man who was in Florida helping with the cleanup. He had been part of the cleanup in Charleston, South Carolina when they were devastated by Hurricane Hugo in the fall of 1989. It was Howard Chapman a friend from my home town of Fairfax, Virginia.

It's a small world and this was before the internet made it even smaller for me!

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