Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Today is my birthday. I was born November 30, 1946 in the first year of the WWII "Baby Boom". When I was born we lived in Alexandria, Virginia in Cameron Valley. The housing was built for the people who came to Washington, D.C. to work for the war effort. My Mom's family had come from Clifton and Popes Head Road in Fairfax County and my Dad was from Aldie in Loudon County. My Grandfather and Grandmother worked at the Torpedo Plant and my mother worked for the Internal Revenue Service. She never called it the IRS. Daddy had just gotten out of the Marine Air Corps the August before and gone to work for Republic Airlines out of Pennsylvania as a mechanic. Republic Airlines was soon called Capital Airlines and was bought by United Airlines in 1960. On the day I was born my Grandmother had WWII ration stamps she needed to use so she walked up Duke Street to the Safeway that was across the street from Stonewall Jackson Elementary School to get sugar. She stepped off the curb in the grocery store parking lot and in the dusk didn't see a board which she tripped over and broke her leg. So as my mother was in the old Alexandria Hospital on Duke Street giving birth to me my Grandmother was also having her leg set and put into a cast.

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