Friday, December 2, 2011


Very early on the morning of June 30, 2002 I woke up, rolled over, and started singing to my husband "Hey there, you with the stars in your eyes, love never made a fool of you, you used to be so wise".  I said to myself  "good grief, Sandy, where did that come from?" then I rolled back over and went back to sleep.  Later that morning I was sitting in front of the TV with my coffee watching  CBS Sunday Morning  when they announced that the day before, June 29, 2002, Rosemary Clooney had passed away.  I freaked out....OMG!!!!  I'm channelling Rosemary Clooney!!!!!  George Clooney's Auntie!!!  The only connection, other than loving the movie "Holiday Inn" (White Christmas) and her singing, was that my Grandmother worked for The Veterans Administration in the 1950's and had said a niece of Rosemary Clooney's also had worked there and that Rosie had put her through college.   This is the only time anything like this has ever happened to me. It was a strange experience, it makes a good conversation piece, but I hope it never happens again!

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