Monday, April 15, 2013


 In the late 1990's and early  2000's Rod started making wine. His teacher was a good friend he worked with at United Airlines, Nick Borg, who is from Malta and whose family have been winemakers for centuries.  The first season Rod chose Barbera grapes and got them from an old vineyard near The University of California at Davis which is an agricultural school.  A thousand pounds of grapes makes about 70-80 gallons of wine enough to fill a big oak barrel or a couple of smaller ones.  Barrels run 15, 30, and 60 gallons.  Barbera grapes are piquant think of pomegranates and are native to northern Italy.  Year two and three Rod made Cabernet and this is the wine we served at my daughter Robin's wedding in 2004.

This water color I did in 1977 reminded me of the way Barbara Streisand looked in A Star Is Born so when Rod made the Barbera wine I couldn't help but think this would make a good label for his wine even if it was only me who was in on the joke.  Abold Essence is an obvious play on our name and how good we thought the wine was.  Abold Essence, you'll only find it on our shelves.

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