Monday, April 22, 2013


I used to leave the door open on my parakeet's cage when I was at home and Tweety would come out and fly around the living room and sit on the window sill and enjoy himself.  If he was hungry and needed seed in his feeder he would come fly around my head to let me know.  My Mom came out to San Francisco to help me prepare to move back to Virginia and we'd been so busy doing this and that and I was working off my two weeks notice at Bearing Specialty, Inc. I kinda forgot to feed him.   My ten year old daughter Robin was already in Virginia or she would have remembered.  While I was at work Tweety flew out of his cage and started dive bombing Mom's head and she got down on her hands and knees and crawled in the kitchen and closed the door but remembered what I had said about Tweety being hungry so she got the birdseed out from under the sink and  crawled back into the dining room and just shook the box at the cage.  Tweety, satisfied that his needs had been met went back in his cage.  The way she was describing the scene when I came home from work reminded me of Hitchcock's The Birds.  BTW Tweety traveled across country with us in the middle of the backseat of my yellow '72 Super Beetle in his new little traveling cage between my violets and Christmas cactus and feasted on Christmas cactus all the way.

I got this picture off the internet and I thank whoever took it.  It's what reminded me of the Tweety dive bombs Mom incident.  Also, I just got off the phone with Robin to verify that our bird was Tweety not to be confused with my younger sister Kim's parakeet who was Petey and she reminded me of the Tweety flies out the door story which I'll tell you about another time.  Love, Sandy


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