Thursday, May 17, 2012


     Yesterday someone posed the question what was the one event you would love to relive and why?  I've decided it has to be the party Rod and I threw to announce our engagement to my family in Virginia but you need some background.  Rod and I met when we were both single parents in 1968 the first Friday after New Years January 5.  We went together off and on for years while living in the San Francisco Bay Area and our kids were great friends...even though we couldn't make it work back then we were always each other's best friend. When I moved back to Virginia in 1978 the relationship lasted through eleven years of living in different states with weekly phone calls and cross country visits on his part and most particularly the death of his youngest son in a motor cycle accident.  During that time we both had relationships with other people.  Our relationship was always up to him I never called him although I was always so glad when  he called or visited me.  In 1989 he asked me to go to the Reno Air Races with him and his group of friends from United Airlines (we called them "As The Propeller Turns" because of all their wonderful drama).  That trip started this last phase of the Rod and Sandy Saga. I ended up quiting my job and going to work for United Airlines so I could travel, too, and our relationship could be on an equal footing.  We dated cross country for four years.  Without ever saying that we were going to get married we went and picked out rings and I brought his home with me and the next weekend he came back to Virginia and I invited my whole family over for dinner.  My Aunt finally and knowingly said "and what is the occasion for this party?"  With that Rod got down on his knees and asked me for my hand in marriage before God, my family, and all of Heaven and I said "YES".  He then took my engagement ring over to my mother and showed it to her as my sister and daughter are laughing and yahooing in the background. My mother looked in his eyes and said "You know she's always loved you."  Perfect.

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