Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Someone yesterday told a wonderful junior college story that reminded me of something that happened to me. I had enrolled in a painting class at Skyline Junior College in San Bruno, California. On the first night of the class I'm painting away talking to this very good looking young man with great hair and a beard. We're painting and talking and painting and talking and the inevitable "where are you from ?" came up 'cause no one is a native of California. He said he was from Springfield, Virgina!!!! I gasped and sputtered and choked and finally said I was from Fairfax! As we talked away I found out he was divorced (yay he's single) and an MIT graduate and his profession was electrical engineer. He had also worked as a dishwasher at the Streamliner Diner/Bob's Beef House at Fairfax Circle while a student at Annandale High and I had gone to school with Chuck Parcelles who was the owner's son. Well, we had break together and after class got pizza at a local restaurant and I found out he was the owner of the Lotus Europa I had spied in the parking lot on my way in to class. When I got home that evening and went to wash my face for bed I looked in the mirror and I had a big glob of alizarin crimson paint on my forehead and smeared up into my hair and other assorted smears all over my face even though I had washed my hands with the brushes at the end of class. He never said a word about the paint. We dated for a year.

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