Wednesday, May 9, 2012


     Dating the "bad boy" of the Class of '65 got this Sandy no date for the Prom.  Going steady and wearing your boyfriend's ring meant you didn't go out with someone else, right?  Wrong.  When Mike said he didn't want to go to the Prom and that it was alright to find someone else to go with should have sent off smoke signals but I was too young and inexperienced to see.  Finding someone else to go with made me feel funny.  So I decided instead of the Prom we should go to the beach instead.  That sounded to me like the right thing to do.  All my friends were asking me up to a certain point was I going and I kept saying no we were going to the beach.  Wrong.
     The last night of the Senior Play, Lil Abner, was the last straw.  We all went over to Bob's house for a big party after the show.  Mike saw some friends and said stand here and don't move, I'll be right back.  I stood there and stood there and he never came back so I left my "spot" and can't remember anything much of the party but Kathy had a slumber party at her house and that's where a bunch of us ended up.  
     The long story short is that Mike was flirting and talking with Sherry and when I found out I confronted Sherry who was Class of '64 and had always been a good friend.  I threw Mike's ring at her and told her SHE could give it back to him in a big gesture full of high school angst.  
     And there I was the "Sandy" who didn't go to the Prom because she had paired up with the Danny Zucco of the Class of '65.  Had I learned my lesson?  You betcha, that's why you don't date bad boys.  Lesson learned too late.   

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