Saturday, May 19, 2012


On November 9, 1985 Prince Charles and Princess Diana visited Washington D.C.  It was their first trip as a couple to the United States and a big gala was thrown by President and Mrs. Reagan where Diana danced with John Travolta.  Americans were so in love with Diana and we even had a TV at work to watch the royal wedding when she married Prince Charles.

My friend Jackie Earley and I decided to play hookie from our jobs at Sears Service Center in Springfield, Virginia on Monday morning to go see the Royals as they were scheduled to appear at the J.C.Penny Store at Springfield Mall.  This was in conjunction with the store's promotion of British goods for sale at Penny's in the United States.  The Penny's promotion was called The Best of Britain.  It was a morning appearance and I drove down to Jackie's and picked her up after we both called in sick to work.

We arrived and parked at Springfield Mall and there were already barriers put up at the entrance to the store with just enough room for the limos to pull in and let the Royals out.  We stood at the head of the barrier and had a great view.  There was a photographer going around with a life size cardboard cutout of Prince Charles that you could have your picture taken with.  When they came out of the store they came across and spoke to the people who were directly in front and shook a few hands.  A friend of Jackie's who was not with us got great snap shots of them and gave Jackie and me copies.  One of these days when I find them again I'll post them 

 The same day in the afternoon they visited a Drug Rehab place I can't recall the name of  so after they left Penny's Jackie and I grabbed lunch at Burger King  and then went and parked on Backlick Road across from the rehab to wait with hundreds of other people who were doing the same.  We talked to people who had come from Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.  It was fun to be in the crowd and I have never done that before or since..... stalked a glitterati.  Although we were right across the street from the rehab place we couldn't see them getting in or out of the limos we had a better look at Penny's but we did kinda see in the limo window as it passed by us.  I can't believe I actually did this.

 So there you have it.....stalked the Royals and spent a beautiful fall day in Virginia outdoors and got my Diana fix.  I've often wondered if Diana hadn't died in her prime if she would have ended up looking kinda like Camilla in her dotage.  Oh, too, I wonder if Diana was related to me as my Great Grandmother on my Mom's side was a Spencer.  Why not!?!

Post Script:  Found the photos hope you enjoy!

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